Upcoming Indie Games that should make you throw cash around.

Here’s a (by no means complete) list of upcoming indie games that you should buy. Period. In no particular order.


Amanita Design are the Czech developers that already brought us the amazing Point & Click Adventure Machinarium. But you probably already clicked the shit out of that epic game. Botanicula will again be pointy and clicky but this time has cute plant and seed people exploring an exotic floral world.

Legend of Grimrock

Remember this rarest of gems?

If not, go back some years, don’t waste valuable time on homework or playing outside
but venture into the deep in FTL’s “Dungeon Master”! Now.
Those who know it will remember the panic of being caught in a deadend with knights
preparing to bash your heroes’ skulls in, eating tons of screamers and being super-pissed off at those little furry thief creatures and their stupid giggle sound.

Now, a few industry veterans are working on Legend of Grimrock:

If you like dungeon crawling and Dungeon Master’s / Eye of the beholder’s timeless gamemechanics, you WILL buy this.

Castle Story

Imagine this certain sandbox block building game… y’know… Minecraft (there, I said it) and instead of building everything yourself, you have a bunch of cute yellow fellas that look like naked lego people build everything for you. But unlike Minecraft, Caste Story’s way of constructing castles and stuff brings Stronghold to mind. And that means awesomness.
And don’t we all like Voxels? Sure we do.


Starbound will be incredible.  Well, the premise alone and the fact that the artist did a good Job on Terraria before should be enough to make the big biz players look like retards. Again.
The player or players, as this will also have coop and competitive gameplay find themselves on an abandoned space station which they will use as a base for exploration and travelling in a sandbox universe.
Unlike AAA RPG dinosaurs pooping their pants and primarily entertaining us with hilarious glitches Starbound relies heavily on procedural content generation. That means everything
will have a unique feeling to it. Think of Terraria with exploration of alien planets, more (optional) quests and NPCs. You CAN boldly go where no nerd has gone before.
The meteor will shit money all over Starbound’s Devs.

Hell, this game will have M41 PulseRifles, tentacle planets and penguin kings. With little crowns.

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